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Seven LEGAL ways to steal…and they’re good for you.



It’s good to steal. Well, let me rephrase that. It’s good to steal when you’re not breaking any laws. OK, I admit that ‘legal stealing’ is as much of an oxymoron as ‘pretty disgusting’ but as you’ll soon see, it’s possible. In fact, not only is it possible, it can actually help you in your life at home and at work. Let’s call this a legal stealing 101, or perhaps the opposite of the seven deadly sins.

    1. Steal Time
      Time is precious. So I like to figure out ways to steal time away from some projects and apply them to other things. How can you steal five minutes away from the laundry and bank that time for a more fun project? How can you do your filing in half the time? You’re in effect stealing time and using it for a greater good. Maybe it’s spending extra time with your family, or on a project that makes you feel good. Whenever you can, find ways to steal time from the chores and use that time for something a whole lot more enjoyable. 

So, I know what some of you are thinking. “Hey, where’s steal home?” Well, as much as I love baseball (which isn’t very much actually…sorry) I thought that one was a little ‘on the nose’ and not actually very helpful. But I do hope these other legal steals encourage you to think a little differently and maybe make some positive changes in your life. They certainly helped me.

Written for Dumb Little Man by Paul Michael, a Sr. Writer for the budget living and life tips blog

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