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Kindred spirit (20 Signs You’ve Found Yours)

Finding someone who accepts you for who you are is all too rare. But when it happens, it’s a day to remember. As one of your kind, I understand how hard it can be to find the right person. It’s even harder when you’re looking for them online.

That’s why I created this article with 20 signs that will give you some wisdom to know if you’ve found your kindred spirit. You’ll want to come back often for these tips! If you’re ready to meet the love or kindred spirit of your life, bookmark this page.

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❣️ Know what Kindred Spirit is and the 20 amazing signs you’ve found yours ❣️

1. You grow and learn from each other.

The moment when you don’t understand the other person’s perspective is the time you’re most likely to spend the most time getting to know them better.

Most important: If you and your kindred spirit can laugh about those times together, you’ll do anything for them. If your kindred spirit truly cares about you, they’ll relieve you from any negativity for your peace.

2. You feel this sensation in the pit of your stomach.

When you meet someone and feel love for them, you have found your kindred spirit. When your feelings for each other are mutual, you know your soul mates.

You can feel the presence of your kindred spirit and their presence is the most important aspect of their personality. When you feel it, it’s instant. Whether you’re texting them or just thinking about them, they are always there for you.

3. You make each other feel complete.

When you love someone with everything you have and feel complete in their presence, you feel completely comfortable around them.

When you meet someone who makes you feel like that, it’s like you’ve found your kindred spirit. You’ve found someone who knows you, understands you, accepts you for who you are, and loves you for that.

4. They will make you move forward.

kindred spirits will welcome you into their world. You will want to be around them and do things similarly to them.

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5. Everything seems to be easy

You can be silly around your kindred spirits, and they find your jokes funny. They also always think they can cheer you up when you’re down. They understand that the things you can’t do for yourself, you can do together.

6.You feel the flow

Before you meet someone, you usually go through a checklist of traits you want in a potential mate. But after you meet them, it’s your flow. How well you click with this person is a better indicator of your compatibility than any checklist could be. Your heart lives with joy when you’re around them meaning They’re your kindred spirit!

7. You long for each other

The key to finding your kindred spirit is to find people who share the same interest and outlook. When you find people with the same similarity to you, you are more likely to feel a deep, passionate connection with more values.

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You may also feel a deep understanding of those you meet. This is important to remember because it’s easy to take something you believe in for granted. If you find someone who understands what you’re talking about and shares your passion, you’ve found your kindred spirit.

8. They will help you learn

When you find your kindred spirit, your relationship is a living example of love. This person may want to take you on a journey where you learn, grow, and feel. They will help you learn and instill values to grow yourself, your faith, and the surrounding people.

9. You feel when you need each other

When you find your kindred spirit, you want to be with them whenever you can. Count yourselves as a perfect match. You can make each other laugh, not just at your jokes, but at just about everything you say even if it doesn’t make sense.

I know it seems weird, but when someone knows you so well, has a sense of humor, and can make you laugh at things that other people don’t get, that person is your kindred spirit.

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10. Understanding beyond the need for words

Most kindred spirits can communicate without saying a single word. We don’t have to know what we want from your better half or understand each other’s quirks and eccentricities. Sometimes all we have to do is look at a photograph of the person we know.

Or perhaps we can sense a connection like it’s happening to us. Whatever the case may be, we know something special is out there.

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11. They can be themselves around you

When you’re together with your kindred spirit, you feel at ease. When they’re away from you, you notice a change in them. Their authentic selves come out.

12. You have similar principles

You and your kindred spirit believe in doing what’s right. You’re similar in the way you view life and circumstances. Don’t you? You fight with the same people. Both you and your kindred spirit understand each other’s world and perspectives, and you’ll never be able to fight with your mate the same way.

The two of you can connect since you know each other’s feelings better than anyone. You’re so much a part of each other no matter where they go; they will always be you. You’re each other’s touchstone.

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13. You have mutual respect

One sign of kindred spirits is that you have mutual respect. You can get on each other’s spirit. But you both enjoy having fun, and you value each other’s time. Not everyone is a friend at first. But once you get to know your kindred spirits, they become a lifesaver.

You have fun together. For love, you’re all about fun and exploring new things. The two of you can meet new people and share ideas you’ll never share with anyone else.

14. You always have each other’s back

When you’re upset, you know you can turn to your kindred spirits for advice and support. But they’ve also got your back when you’re in trouble. If you’re having trouble at work, they’re the first ones to help. If you’re having a tough time at home, they want to act by making it better.

They’ve even put their lives on hold to help you through a hard time. Because they know they’ll always have you in their hearts, no matter what.

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15. You feel happy, comforted, or accepted when they are around.

People say it’s rare to find a partner, but it’s also difficult to find kindred spirits. But the moments you do, you feel your spirit connected, not just to them, but to other people. You feel comfortable being yourself around them.

It is clear they are always there for you and you can’t imagine your life without a kindred soul. You see you in them, both good and bad. You want to learn more about them, even if it’s about something completely random.

16. You can share anything with them without judgment or expectations.

kindred spirits do not judge you for being honest with them about anything and respect and appreciate your ability to communicate without the use of harsh sarcasm or unkind insults.

They are secure in your friendship, for they know you’re honest with their spirit, even when you are not upfront about other things.

17. You feel like they understand you better than anyone else does.

When you are talking with your kindred spirit, you feel you are on the same level as friends and that they get you more than anyone else ever has.

Most kindred spirits’ feelings and thoughts about certain things are spots on. There is no need for gimmicks or empty fluff when you have such an intense connection in spirit with someone. Instead, you share deeper emotions that help you both live a fuller life.

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18. They know how to make you laugh and brighten up your day.

Although kindred spirits are different from you in every way possible, you have a deep connection. You understand each other’s deepest emotions and love to spend time together. Your kindred spirit is deeply aware of your feelings and can act accordingly.

They’re friends who can make you feel at home wherever you are. You can tell the difference between a fake friendship and the one that truly understands your spirit.

If you’re truly in love, you’ll want to spend every minute together, whether it’s at a museum, the beach, or your favorite bar.

19. Your thoughts turn to them even when they’re not around.

As one of the signs, you think of kindred spirits when you walk for example through a store or wait in line for something.

You turn to them for help when things in your life fall apart and you are completely blown away by their kindness and intelligence.

20. You never worry about hurting them because a friend’s words can’t hurt a kindred spirit.

When you need help, you don’t want to ask anyone but your kindred spirit.

They call when they are going to call, but they don’t use check-in lines on social media. You understand the meaning behind every joke they tell.

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💓 Things that might help you start a conversation and find a kindred spirit 💓

❣️ When you write interesting or funny content about yourself

you’ll see your kindred spirit sharing the content on their page too. You’ll know that your opinions aren’t a secret to them.

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❣️ When you decide to do something for someone else

the kindred spirit will always follow.

❣️ When you help someone

your kindred spirit will step up to the plate for you in a heartbeat.

❣️ When you talk about how beautiful the sky looks on a rainy day

your kindred spirit will almost always agree with every word.

❣️ When you share your goals and dreams

your kindred spirit will do the same.

❣️ When you want to hang out with someone and just talk

you’ll find your kindred spirit is always down to get together and do something.

🤔 What is a kindred relationship? 🤔

A kindred relationship is when you’ve found someone with whom you have so much in common.

Such that you can make life decisions together and share your deepest secrets with your partner without worrying about judgment or fear of rejection.

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🔎 What does it mean to have a kindred spirit? 🔍

A kindred spirit is someone who is different but understands you – someone who is not like you but still gets you.

When they finally find their kindred spirit, they know that they’ve found something special and can’t be without them for too long.

It’s an indescribable feeling that cannot be put into words, but everyone has felt it at least once in their lifetime.

🧐 Is a kindred spirit the same as a soul mate? 🧐

Kindred spirits can differ from soul mates. Soul mates are usually two people put together by fate and feel like they’re together. Kindred spirits may not feel that way, but they still have strong connections of spirit.

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🤓 What are kindred souls? 🤓

Kindred souls are very close to each other. They share several things for example stories, secrets, or just some jokes that they both find hilarious. A kindred soul is someone who understands you without you needing to explain anything.

Kindred souls also help each other out when things get tough and always warm one another no matter what happens in life.

🗨 Is a kindred spirit the same as a soul mate? 🗨

A: While it is difficult to date the origin of the term “soul mate,” it is important to note that soul mates are often viewed as kindred spirits. It is important to keep in mind that a kindred spirit and a soul mate are not the same. A kindred spirit is not a soul mate. Both kindred spirits and soul mates are historically used to represent a romantic relationship, and it’s difficult to tell whether a soul mate and a kindred spirit are the same.

Photo credit: pexels.com

💌 Conclusions 💌

Some of your most relationships started when you met the person because you immediately, forever discovering that you are connected or kindred spirits. Kindred spirits can meet for a single day and never meet again. These kindred spirits make you feel you have met someone just like you in the world. The time you interact with might be of the same frequency but the instant connection can be intense and unforgettable.

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