Dumb Little Man

How to Make Your Cat Internet Famous

Cats have been a major part of human life for centuries. They are useful, fun to have around, and often quite amusing. But why is the internet so obsessed with cats? And how to make your cat internet famous?

Famous Cats Are Nothing New

garfield the cat Even before there was the internet, there were a lot of famous cats already. Garfield is one great example. This cat appeared in both TV and newspapers. The Brighton Cats, on the other hand, became celebrities after their owners photographed them in absurd poses. The Cheshire Cat was famous for being in Alice in Wonderland while Sylvester became famous with Tweety Bird. Hello Kitty has been wildly popular since the 1980s.

The Internet Has Made Cats More Than Famous

It’s one thing to have a photo of your cat doing something silly go viral but getting your feline friend cat-a-pulted to fame is a whole different story. You’ll have to work hard to manage your cat’s career. And that’s what the owners of famous cats, like Grumpy Cat and Maru have done. They dedicated all their time to managing their famous cats’ social media accounts and public appearances. They even have the sale of books and other merchandise to manage. Could you imagine managing your cat’s online social profiles? It’s actually a lot more common than you might think.

How To Increase Your Cat’s Popularity

I can’t guarantee your cat will become the next Grumpy Cat or Maru but if you have a cool cat that does some cool stuff, there’s no downside to testing the waters. To get started:

Build Your Cat’s Audience

Building an authentic online brand for your cat isn’t much different from building one for yourself. All you have to do is keep working to build your cat’s online presence through posting and engagement. It takes some time to build any social media presence, so be patient. Just remember to be authentic and responsive and your cat will surely be on his way to success. You might end up getting a book deal out of it.

Why Do Humans Find Cats So Amusing?

Cats don’t seem to show emotions the way dogs do. They tend to ignore the camera and they do not give a darn. Cats are more than just a pet. They are great companions who will never leave your side. They don’t demand much which is great because life is busy. And occasionally, they can provide great entertainment. So, keep your cameras ready just in case your cat decides to turn you into a millionaire.

It’s The Age Of Wealthy Cats

Many cats that are internet famous are raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars in ad revenue and merchandise sales each year. Your cat may be just one funny facial expression away from that and you won’t know until you try. Are you ready to make your cat internet famous? Learn more about why the internet is so obsessed with cats from this infographic! Courtesy of Pet Life Today

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