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How to Lose Ten Pounds in One Month

As the nation becomes more and more obese, losing weight is a very popular goal for many people. However, with all of the diet advice out there that is constantly changing, it is difficult to decide on the right diet for you. If you want to lose ten pounds in a month, there are a lot of ways to do this, as it is within the medically approved guideline of no more than 2-3 pounds per week for long term weight loss. Here is one safe, effective way to lose ten pounds in one month, or continue this way losing an average of ten pounds per month:

1. Weight loss means more calories burned than you eat in a day.

Your body will continue to function normally if you get about 1000-1200 calories daily in food, and this is what you burn by just breathing in and out and walking around a little bit. Plan a healthy diet that is well balanced, has protein, fat and carbs in it, with as many non-processed foods as possible. If you exercise to burn more calories, while also getting the minimum your body needs to keep its metabolism at a normal level, then you will lose weight. If you are counting calories, then for every 3500 calories that you burn in exercise, you will lose one pound of fat.

2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

Water is the way that toxins are flushed out of aching muscles. It is needed to burn calories through sweat. It is needed to keep hungry tummies full if you have lowered your food intake. The more water you drink, the happier you will be. You will know you are well hydrated if your urine is clear.

3. Avoid foods that cause water retention.

Salt is the main culprit of this. One way to jump start your weight loss is to do a colon cleanse that will speed your metabolism and help keep you from bloating. Once this is done, plenty of water and fiber without a lot of salt or white flour will keep you from bloating again. Cucumbers and parsley are two foods that will also help you lose water weight.

4. Keep track of what foods and exercises you feel like you can do every day.

This is the true key to a healthy weight. By building a healthy lifestyle, your ten pounds in a month will be the beginning of a pattern that can help you create the body you have always dreamed of.

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