Dumb Little Man

How To Protect Yourself From SMS Scams

Smartphones and cell phones have changed the way we communicate. We can instantly send and receive messages through wireless calls, text messages or SMS, email, and social media platforms. With the advancements of technology, there are advantages and disadvantages—and sometimes danger.

SMS scams or text scams are prevalent in this age of smartphones and cell phones. Many scams are SMS marketing; some are more deceitful.

SMS marketing is sending promotional campaigns for marketing purposes via text messages. These messages are meant to communicate time-sensitive offers, updates, and alerts to potential or established customers.

Businesses use SMS marketing because it is one of the more effective forms of communicating with customers when done correctly. When done incorrectly, these can be viewed as unwanted messages and solicitations that bombard people regularly.

SMS scams are a problem because more and more people are using mobile banking and online shopping, making them easier targets for scammers and fraudsters. There are different types of scams people need to be aware of.

identifying a fake text message

If you receive these text messages or anything similar, here are some ways to avoid falling into these SMS scams.

Protect Your Information At All Times

Being alert and suspicious go a long way to protecting yourself from fraudsters who are taking advantage of technology to fool people out of their money. Verify details before establishing contact with anyone over the phone, SMS, or online.

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