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How to Get Work Cleared Before Your Holiday Vacation

At this time of year, it’s a common site in any office: people scurrying around madly, frantically plastering post-it notes around the place, scribbling notes, calling out last-minute instructions, asking “where the **** did I put my plane ticket”…

Yes, it’s holiday time, and, unfortunately, that much-needed break from work can be a cause of extra stress. Have you ever rushed around trying to get everything done before heading off for two weeks? Have you ever insisted on leaving mobile numbers, hotel numbers and emergency contact details “just in case”? Have you ever started checking your work emails at the airport, before you’ve even got on your plane?

Here are seven tips to make sure you get all your work sorted out pre-vacation: you don’t want to just clear your desk, you want to clear your mind too…

  1. Delegate
    There’s a good chance you’re not delegating as much as you should be. Your vacation is an excellent opportunity to pass on some responsibilities to others: see how they handle the tasks for a couple of weeks, and, if possible, leave those tasks on their list, not yours, on your return!

If you struggle to delegate work, or if you worry that “if I want a job done well, I have to do it myself”, you might want to check out Four Steps to Easy Delegation.



Then figure out what shouldn’t wait, but could do in a crisis. Do these before you start thinking about the “could be put off for months” category…





In almost every case, you should include:

In some cases, you may want to put a mobile number that you can be reached on.



Write instructions about any common tasks that only you normally do: perhaps setting up an account for a new client on your web system. It’s generally a good idea to document these anyway (what if you’re sick?) but a vacation can spur you into action on this.

Make sure the instructions are stored in an obvious place. A searchable company intranet is good for this.

The last thing you want is someone phoning you up on vacation asking “errr, we can’t find…”





Relax and have a great vacation, in the knowledge that you left everything in the best state possible before going away.

Do you find it hard to leave work behind when you head off on vacation? What are your tips on getting things off your desk – and off your mind – before going?

Written on 12/01/2009 by Ali Hale. Ali is a professional writer and blogger, and a part-time postgraduate student of creative writing. If you need a hand with any sort of written project, drop her a line ( or check out her website at Aliventures. Photo Credit: purpleslog
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