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How to Diffuse an Explosive Situation

You know the feeling: your patience is shot, you’re about ready to throw your fist through a wall, or (if you’re like me) you’re on the verge of tears.

Maybe you’ve seen it in someone else: they stop listening, you can practically see the steam pouring out of their ears, they keep interrupting you, clenching their jaw, and looking downright threatening.

Yep. The situation is explosive. At any minute, things could go very wrong. Either you or someone else is on the edge.

When you work with the same people day in and day out, chances are you’ll eventually encounter a situation that can be deemed “explosive”. Whether it’s caused by just a bad day or a long standing feud, these kinds of situations can be enormously damaging to the team, not to mention the actual work that needs to get done. When you find yourself in a volatile situation fueled by anger, frustration, or any other highly unstable emotion, try following these steps to diffuse it:

    1. Inject humor
      In some circumstances, you may be able to lighten the mood by using a little humor to show you’re not taking it too seriously. Be careful though, you don’t want to give the impression that the other person’s feelings are not important. And you certainly don’t want them to feel you are laughing at them. Use this mainly as a way of taking the gravity out of a situation that is being dramatized. When a small disagreement has blown up into a huge fiasco, it may be helpful to throw your arms in the air and laugh about it. Bring things back down from their heightened emotional state by shrugging off the stress and having a good chuckle at the absurdity of it all. 

Let me be clear: There are definitely times when you should not back down. However, there are plenty of times when the argument is petty, unimportant and truly irrelevant in your life. Those are the times to consider surrender. It’s never easy on the ego, but it could save you a lot of unnecessary pain.

Written for Dumb Little Man by Chrissy of the Executive Assistant’s Tool Box, where popular articles include Energize Your Workday, How to be Proactive and 10 Ways to Build a Better Team.

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