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How to Build Motivation for Your Workout



The hardest part about starting or continuing an exercise regimen is maintaining motivation. If you’re the type of person who can wake up at 5:00 every morning and go to the gym, then that’s great. But if you’re like me, you may need a little help to get started.

Everyone who has been on an exercise program for any amount of time has their own favorite techniques for staying motivated. Here are a few of my personal favorites. Hopefully, one or all of these simple motivation hacks will help you to never let your body get the best of you.

However, you don’t have to train for a marathon in order to be intimidated. Whatever goal you set for yourself, make sure it is big enough that you can’t just walk through it with nothing more than a halfhearted effort. Place yourself in a situation that truly scares you, and you will have all the motivation you need to keep your daily exercise going.

If you can find the motivation needed to lace up your shoes and walk out the front door, then 90% of the hard work is already done. The rest is simply going through the motions; the mind is where the battle is won or lost. Trust me, after a few solid victories, it just gets easier and easier.

Written on 3/8/2009 by Brandon Morgado. Brandon is a self-professed fitness geek and blogs regularly at when he isn’t running, playing Ultimate Frisbee or wasting his life away on Twitter. Photo Credit:
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