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Top Five Misconceptions About Home Remedies

Home remedies were once considered to be a normal way to treat illnesses and injuries. Since doctors and hospitals weren’t always available back then, people had to find a way to get better without them.

But as time went by, it became taboo to continue using home remedies. Prescription medications, invasive tests, and surgeries replaced plant medicine and natural remedies.

Instead of getting healthier, though, many people found that these supposed modern medical treatments were making them feel worse. This goes particularly true with all the dangerous side effects they were causing. Because of that, people are starting to show interest in home remedies again.

To give you a clearer idea, here are some of the most common misconceptions about home remedies.

Naturopathic Remedies Don’t Work

herbal medicine

There are no government agencies that regulate naturopathic medicine. Unfortunately, this means that some of the products that are sold for home remedy use aren’t always reliable.

One study suggested that a good portion of them only had a small amount of the main active ingredient that they were supposed to contain. This idea worried consumers who started to believe all naturopathic products must have the same quality- but don’t.

There are a lot of trustworthy companies who do regular testing to ensure that the products they sell consistently reflect their claims. Just make sure you use a buyer’s guide or research the company before purchasing something from them. Once you find a brand you trust, stick with it until you learn more about other trusted brands in the market.

Naturopathic Remedies Aren’t Safe

Each person has a unique biochemistry. Some people will be more sensitive to certain naturopathic products because they have an underlying allergy.

For example, skullcap is very safe to take for migraine headaches and anxiety, but it won’t work for anyone who has an allergy to the ragweed family of plants.

So, it isn’t fair to say that skullcap supplements shouldn’t be used by anyone at all. Generalizations, like that, can reduce the number of people who will try a naturopathic remedy because they’ll think that none of them are safe to use.

By taking the time to learn more about the science behind a particular home remedy, a person can choose the ones that are right for his individual health needs and conditions.

Only Quacks Use Naturopathic Remedies

Some folks use home remedies secretly because they fear the scornful looks of their friends and family members.

You really needn’t worry.

Millions of people all over the world use naturopathic products of some sort. And they don’t necessarily look the kind who wear aluminum pyramids strapped to their heads to counter-effect air pollution.

They are health-conscious consumers with a wide variety of backgrounds that completely defeat this stereotype.

You Can’t Use Naturopathic Remedies with Prescription Medications

Many prescription drugs work better when used with a home remedy. For instance, a person who is suffering from a tooth infection can swish with a salt water solution while taking antibiotics to clear up the infection faster.

They can use apple cider vinegar, too. Neither of them can interfere with any other medication.

However, it would be foolish to say that there aren’t cases of this occurring though. Many remedies block the absorption of important medications, so be cautious when using them together.

See Also: 3 Natural Home Remedies to Heal Gum Diseases

Doctors Don’t Approve of Naturopathic Remedies

There is a new movement in modern medicine which encourages patients to use other natural remedies instead of depending solely on prescription medications. One good example is pain management.

Doctors are considered responsible for the high amount of people who got addicted to prescription painkillers. So, they are suggesting that patients try other options first to ease their pain.

They recommend soaking in a tub of hot water and Epsom salt, applying topical capsaicin creams, or adding turmeric to their diet. Other fields of medicine encourage naturopathic remedies too.

The Cancer Treatment Center of America (CTCA) treats some of their patients with a combination of modern medicine and naturopathic remedies. And the Mayo Clinic is one of the best sources on naturopathic remedies.

As you can see, misinformation is one of the reasons why there’s a lot of wrong ideas about natural remedies. In reality, however, a lot of home remedies are very safe and effective to use on a regular basis.

It is still important that those who take prescription medications talk to their doctor first to make sure that the remedies won’t interfere or block the absorption of their other medicines. Many doctors are open to the use of naturopathic remedies, and they would rather openly discuss their use with their patients.

Remember, to avoid all or any of these misconceptions, conduct your own research and communicate promptly with your doctor.

See Also: 5 Reasons Why the World Needs More Naturopathic Physicians

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