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Google Search Engine Ranking Factors To Change Search In 2024: Core Web Vitals, E-A-T, or AMP?

By now, everyone must be aware that the most popular search engine available is Google. Even though there are different search engines such as Yahoo or Bing, Google stands on top. Moreover, not to forget, it is already stated that there exists over 200 Google ranking factors. But you see, every ranking factor is different.

That’s why you cannot use the same Search Engine Optimization methods or focus on only particular ranking factors. Since the Google algorithm is never static, so is the top ranking factors. One popular way to enhance the search result or enhance search engine optimization is through premium quality guest posting services.

An added benefit of guest post services is that you can do optimization as per the newest Google algorithms. You can also expand and improve your digital marketing services by getting more exposure, growth in networking, high opt-in rate, and building relationships.

Whatever or however the search optimization is, it’s a fact that those 200 ranking factors are not vague. They are used by Google to influence the rankings of organic search pages. Out of loads of ranking factors, the few important ones considered are related to Backlinks, Content, Speed, Keywords, Domain factors, Core Web Vitals, Website structure, and many more. But here, we will specifically talk about Core Web Vitals, E-A-T, and AMP.

Core Web Vitals

core web vitals
Via akshayranganath.github.io

To understand Core Web Vitals, first, you have to know about Web Vitals. In general, Web Vitals help guide quality signals on the web to provide the users with a great experience (Page Experience signals). Thus, Core Web Vitals are the subset of the Web Vitals.

Other general Web Vitals evaluate page experience through signals like safe browsing, HTTPS, mobile-friendliness, and intrusive interstitials. These are the traditional ranking signals. But the Core Web Vitals are evolving and now have three specific metrics for user interaction: loading, interactivity, and visual stability.

Google has also set some specific guidelines of these metrics into Good, Needs Improvement, and Poor. Core Web Vitals are now going to be one of the top official ranking requirements. So, your webpage has to now reach the minimum threshold limit set by Core Web Vitals, since search engine rankings are one of the priorities for digital marketers.


Via blog.animonlive.com

E-A-T is the shorthand form of “Expertise-Authoritativeness-Trustworthiness.” It is a set of quality standards set by Google to evaluate websites and review an individual. The evaluation is done offline, or to say, reviewed manually. E-A-T, each of them has a set of different criteria for evaluation.

It is safe to say that E-A-T is really effective in evaluating content related to Your Money or Your Life pages, which will be helpful for guest posting services. If you consider E-A-T as a ranking factor and wish to appear on top, then your attention should be specific toward the website’s content and its presentation.

According to Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines, websites that prioritize E-A-T should maintain a few guidelines like content quality, topical focus, brand strength, author’s name, and trust-building. E-A-T score can be improved by building more backlinks. In short, it might be crucial for guest posting services.


Via digitalvidya.com

AMP is short for “Accelerated Mobile Pages.” Google described AMP as an open-source project designed to help the web publishers create optimized content that loads instantaneously on phones or any other device. It allows the user to access any page or website instantly on any device that is being used.

Google’s AMP product manager has stated that the duration of loading an AMP-coded content is just 0.7 seconds, and for a non-AMP page is 22 seconds. AMP HTML has also helped the site owners create light-weight web pages because AMP’s core is caching.

Nowadays, AMP has become a crucial part while forming a balanced marketing strategy because Google has been prioritizing AMPs in search results. In today’s competitive world, AMP is indirectly supporting the mobile users by enhancing the loading speed of the webpages in their search results.

But to be clear, it is not a search engine ranking factor. It is not designed to control the user’s data. Due to the fast load time of the page, the page views will also rise. There will be more ads too, which will result in a CTR increase.

The key advantage of AMP in the online marketing world or for digital marketing services is the speedier load time of the webpages. Thus, there may be a possible increase in the number of readers which may lead to higher rankings. Since Google has made AMP an open-source, developers get the opportunity to do additional developments too.

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