Dumb Little Man

Revisiting What You Need To Know About Eye Health

Taking care of your eyesight has never been more important.

As we spend a lot of time in front of our computer, mobile phones, and other gadgets, the more we become at risk of having dry eyes, early macular degeneration, and other eye problems.

Although employing the 20-20-20 rule can help mitigate the negative effects of staring too long at your screens, it’s usually not enough. To help preserve your eye health for the rest of your life, here are some of the most important things you need to do.

You Only Get One Set Of Eyes

Full eye transplant is still, as of writing, unavailable in regular medical practice.This means you have to take care of your eyes so, that they can last your entire lifetime. And since you don’t know how long that will be, it’s especially important to do everything you can to protect your eyes.

You can prevent physical damage by always wearing UV protective sunglasses when you’re outside. If you are doing any woodwork or you are working with chemicals, make sure you have your protective goggles on.

See Also: Eye Safety In The Workplace: Effective Ways To Protect Your Vision

Eye Exams Can Save Your Eyes

Because eye problems, like macular degeneration, often occur gradually, you might not notice anything amiss until it is too late. This is why getting regular eye exams is crucial to maintaining your ocular health.

Common problems that are easier to treat if detected early include:

Most people are concerned about losing their vision but only 14% of people with existing eye problems go in for routine eye exams. If you want to avoid such problems, make sure to see your eye doctor regularly.

Proper Nutrition Can Help

As the old saying goes: Garbage in, garbage out.

If you are eating poorly, it can affect several areas of your health. Diabetes and hypertension are two good examples of health problems caused by poor dietary choices. They also happen to be the two most common causes of eye problems.

To preserve your eyesight, try making better lifestyle and nutrition choices. You can start by adding the following foods to your diet:

Sources: Carrots, cantaloupe, sweet potato, pumpkin, and butternut squash

Sources: Eggs, spinach, broccoli, corn, and kale

Sources: Beef, poultry, oysters, and beans

Sources: Tuna, mackerel, salmon, trout, and anchovies

Sources: Tomatoes, oranges, and red peppers

Sources: Red wine, peanuts, and blueberries

See Also: 7 Foods That Can Improve Your Eyesight

In Summary

Your eye health should never be taken lightly.

In addition to improving your diet, making lifestyle changes like quitting smoking and getting more exercise can help improve and preserve your eyesight in the long run. Remember to rest your eyes and see your eye doctor regularly to make sure problems are detected early.

To learn more about preventing eye diseases and lifestyle-related blindness, check out this infographic.

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