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Beating the Afternoon Slump: 3 Preventions and 3 Cures

You’re familiar with the afternoon slump. It’s that lethargy that sets in around 3pm. It’s the feeling that you’d rather be doing anything but working. (And a nap sounds awfully tempting…)

Your motivation is at a complete low. You find yourself checking Facebook every five minutes.

And it’s inevitable … right?

Nope. You can prevent yourself from ever falling into that slump, and you can learn ways to dig yourself out quickly if the slump does arise. (Oh, and if your usual method is a double-strength espresso, you might want to give some of these ideas a try instead.)

We’ll start with three preventions – and follow those with three cures.

Avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar. And, whatever you do, don’t be tempted to make it a boozy lunch, even if your boss is away or you work for yourself – alcohol and productivity really don’t mix.

(If you’re having a much lighter lunch than normal, make sure you have a healthy snack for mid-afternoon: the slump can also be caused by low blood sugar levels.)

Don’t wait until you’re feeling thirsty or tired to get a glass of water – stay hydrated throughout the day. Keeping a bottle of water on your desk in easy reach, and sipping from it regularly, is a good way to do this.

With those out of the way, I know that many people are stuck now. As you read this you are groggy and want to bail on the work day. So what do you do? Here are some ideas:

Depending on your office set-up, you might not have access to either AC or a nearby window. If so, try getting a small desk fan. The movement of air on your face and arms helps keep you alert, as does the reduced temperature.

If you’re feeling lazy and reluctant to move, you definitely need to get out of the grip of the slump. Push yourself to get up: once you’ve taken a few steps, it’ll be easy to keep going.

Who you can help by giving 100%? Perhaps it’s a client, your colleagues, your boss or your family. It might even be yourself – you’ll feel proud of doing your best.

Which of the above tips work well for you? And do you have any other great ways to prevent or cure an afternoon slump? The comments are open…

Written on 9/6/2011 by Ali Luke. Ali writes a blog, Aliventures, about leading a productive and purposeful life (get the RSS feed here). As well as blogging, she writes fiction, and is studying for an MA in Creative Writing. Photo Credit: chispita_666
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