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Effective Ways To Attract Web Traffic Even When On a Small SEO Budget

Search engine optimization is one of the most practical ways of generating new leads for sales conversions. Unfortunately, it can be pretty expensive for online businesses. This is one reason why some people choose to cut corners and engage in generating spam comments.

Such tactics have no chance of succeeding these days as search engines have become increasingly sophisticated and favor quality over quantity. This can leave most small online businesses in a tight spot since hiring experienced and skilled SEO practitioners can be quite costly and usually unaffordable.

If you are looking for ways to increase your web traffic while on a tight budget, here are some practical tips worth trying.

Publish Detailed and High-Quality Content

high quality content

A study that involved 20,000 keywords revealed that the average word count of the top 10 results was 2,000. The number one spot was taken by an article of 2416 words. This is a far cry from the short articles you can normally encounter on the web.

This reflects the idea that although users turn to search engines for quick answers, more than 10% of them are still interested in reading in-depth articles. This is why Google is also offering related search results to help users find more detailed information on their chosen subject.

The best way of achieving consistently high ranks in the SERPs is to create detailed and informative content that is relevant to what users need. However, you should never sacrifice quality to just to achieve a certain word count. Users can easily spot such tactics very easily.

Enhance On-Page SEO

Discussions on SEO are often dominated by topics such as link building, social signals, etc.

While they are indeed important, the function and importance of on-page SEO cannot be ignored. On-page SEO consists of optimizing the individual pages of the website so that they rank higher in search results. They are also needed to attract more user traffic.

For the meta description, pay attention to the readability, include the target keyword, and keep the word count to 70 characters or less. Even though the page description isn’t as important as before, creating proper description can still boost the click-through.

Keeping the URL short and easy-to-understand also counts. It gives users an idea of what the page contains even before the click. While keyword density is no longer a ranking factor, you can still include it twice or thrice in the body. Make sure it happens organically and naturally, as opposed to being forced.

Use Internal Linking

Internal linking is a process of referring links in one page to another page in the same domain. It is very useful for SEO because it can attract Google to a particular page of a site.

Internal linking also gives you visitors more options for reading. It also assists Google to index web pages more efficiently and boost your ranking for specified keywords. The fundamental benefit of internal linking is that it enables you to pass the authority of a particular page to another one.

Adopt Responsive Design

Since more people do online searches using smaller devices, it’s a good idea to use a responsive design. Good examples include CSS style sheets, proportion-based grids, as well as adjustable images. These things enable the site’s layout and content to adjust to the devices’ requirements.

See Also: The Essential Elements of Modern Web Design


Although professional and sophisticated SEO is never cheap, it doesn’t mean that you always have to break the bank just to boost your traffic. The techniques outlined hardly cost anything, yet they are easy to implement. They can provide the basic building blocks for achieving superior SEO.

See Also: The Future of SEO – Predictions and Premonitions That Will Dominate 2017

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