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8 Ways to Get Organized in 5 Minutes

Here’s the problem, though: not being organized actually makes us slower, which is something we certainly don’t have time for. If we don’t know what we’ve got, where it is, and how to find it, we run into serious problems, lowered productivity and raised stress levels.

I’ve frequently found that taking just a few minutes to get organized will actually save a ton of time; and these things really only take a few minutes. Here are eight ways to get organized in only five minutes. Some are only for your computer, others can be applied anywhere in your life.

Try an application like Evernote, which is great for pulling together all the disparate and random notes and thoughts that come to your attention on any given day.

Getting organized is a daunting task, but is made much easier by doing it in bursts – a few minutes, or one particular thing, at a time. Before you know it, you’ll have a perfect system, a clean space, and a huge boost in both your sanity and your productivity.

What other ways can we get organized in only a few minutes?

Written on 8/06/2009 by David Pierce. David Pierce is a college student, freelance writer, and lover of all things Web-based. His blog, offering tips on how to thrive in a digital world, is The 2.0 Life, and he can frequently be found on Twitter. Photo Credit: evelynishere
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