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30 Ways to Transform Your Career



Work rut is a vicious cycle. Your job is hard and demanding. When you get home the last thing you want to do is think about work. But without the proper planning, your career never improves.

Break the cycle by making small, solid changes on a daily basis. Here are 30 digestible bits of career advice from top blogs like 4-Hour Workweek, The Simple Dollar, Freelance Switch, Zenhabits and more. Try out a tip a day for the next month and transform your career.

Becoming more productive by working less


Don’t just tolerate your boss, outsmart him

Pimp your workspace

Stop feeling crappy at work

How not to get fired

Reinvent your idea of work

Of course, life isn’t all about moleskine notebooks and GTD lists. Soak in this final tip from the No Impact Man and stop obsessing over the rat race:

“I try to remind myself to stop running from my insecurities and fears, to see them for what they are (illusions), and to have faith in what is. The Buddhists call it returning to the moment. The Christian’s call it trusting in God’s will. The shrinks might call it getting rid of anxiety. The Tao te Ching just says that a man who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.”

Will Chen is a writer for Wise Bread, a personal finance blog published by Killer Aces Media.

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