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10 Ways To Be Fearless With Your Business In 2015

Success in business comes from taking risks. If you really want to stretch your business and see it grow in 2015, then you have to be willing to do things outside of your normal comfort zone and make decisions that require a bit of courage. Here are 10 ways you can be brave with your business in 2015:

1. Outsource before you think you can afford to

Most entrepreneurs wait until their business is about to burst before they make the decision to outsource. However, you need to outsource tasks if you want to grow as a business. It will free up your time to be creative and work on your most important tasks. So outsource early, even if you feel uncomfortable with it.

2. Expand your business network

Networking with other entrepreneurs is a great way to grow your business. However, many of us get comfortable networking with the same groups of people we are familiar with. Instead, why not join a new mastermind group or business network and expand your list of contacts?

3. Revamp your brand

Is your brand looking tired? Many businesses fear that a rebrand will put off existing customers, but holding on to a dated brand can cause far more damage. So take an honest look at your brand and ask yourself how well it reflects your business. If it doesn’t, change it.

4. Run a webinar

If you want to grow your email list, then running a webinar is a highly effective way to do that. However, most people don’t because they worry about technical failures and fear presenting to such a large group of people. If you haven’t run a webinar before, take a leap this year and give it a try. It could be a great thing for your business.

5. Speak publically

If you want to reach a new group of customers, then get yourself on the list of speakers for an event in your industry. Public speaking is near the top of the list when it comes to fears, but if you are brave enough to give it a go then it could be a fantastic strategy to help promote your business.

6. Invest in your personal growth

Never stop learning. Even if you feel busy and overstretched in your business, take the time to train yourself in a new skill or a new knowledge area. When you are running an online business, technology and marketing changes all the time, so keep your training up to date.

7. Invest in your business growth

If your business is struggling financially it might be tempting to hold back on your spending. However, you need to keep investing in your business if you want it to grow. Create a new advertising campaign for your business, or revamp your website, and you will see that it pays dividends in terms of how your business performs in the long run.

8. Talk to your customers more regularly

When was the last time you asked your customer what they wanted? It is easy to make assumptions when it comes to customers, and many businesses fear frightening off their customers by asking too many questions. But if you really want to produce products and services that make your customers happy, then one of the best things you can do is simply to ask them what they want.

9. Be untrendy

The online world is a crowded marketplace, and if you want your business to thrive then you need to stand out from the crowd. So avoid the temptation to follow the design, marketing and branding trends of other businesses in your industry, and do your own thing instead. If you let your personality shine through, your customers will love you for it.

10. Have more fun

Lastly, don’t take business so seriously. If you have fun in your business and enjoy every element in it, that enjoyment will become infectious. It will make it far easier for you to expand and promote your business, create interesting new products, and engage better with your customers.
So in 2015, avoid a business strategy that simply follows on from everything you did in 2014. Instead, make this year different by taking some risks with your business. You might be pleasantly surprised with the results.

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